Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal
Research Participants
Annotations per immersion
Catapult Design leverages design to research, test and create innovative, accessible solutions
Catapult Design is a non-profit product and service design firm that works with socially driven organizations to build forward-looking, accessible, and market-based products and services that give low-income and underserved people reliable tools to improve their quality of life. Its team of designers, engineers, and business specialists dedicated to creating solutions to social problems with people and planet at the forefront.
Too often, health innovations are driven by scientific breakthroughs addressing the health contexts of global minority communities. These innovations are then deployed in global majority countries without considering the communities’ values, priorities, cultures, and needs. The Gates Foundation’s Gender Equality Data & Insights (GE D&I) Division understands that its strategy and investments around innovations will be more impactful by engaging women and girls in global majority communities in the decision-making processes early and often.
Through this initial pilot, Catapult Design, in collaboration with Design Partners across Africa, will facilitate Design Labs aimed at testing ideas and establishing a mechanism for continued engagement with women representing priority Pathways segments. The OKF is being used to set up a platform that enables teams across various countries to work collaboratively to share raw research data, highlight key findings and to share synthesized insights along with access to the raw data. The platform is also shared with various stakeholders in the GE D&I division who are able to then peruse and process the insights, findings, and raw data in various forms to help them identify opportunity areas for future innovations impacting women's and girls' health.
Platform interventions
Research Across Geographies
Research is managed across the three countries and teams supporting standardisation of the data through structuring even where the qualitative research is open ended and country specific
Export to Miro
As teams across countries and regions collaborate on analysis of the data on Miro, annotated data is exported directly into Miro to fit seamlessly into the existing research process and tools
Export to Miro
As teams across countries and regions collaborate on analysis of the data on Miro, annotated data is exported directly into Miro to fit seamlessly into the existing research process and tools
Export to Miro
As teams across countries and regions collaborate on analysis of the data on Miro, annotated data is exported directly into Miro to fit seamlessly into the existing research process and tools
Export to Miro
As teams across countries and regions collaborate on analysis of the data on Miro, annotated data is exported directly into Miro to fit seamlessly into the existing research process and tools
Current Status
The initial pilot immersion has been completed in Nigeria, and will now be replicated in Senegal and Kenya with talks to expand the project and integrate with ongoing efforts to better understand vulnerability and needs across populations.
Case Study
OKF is helping Catapult define the future of contraceptives.
"This is the best platform ever"
Angela Hariche
Director, Catapult Design
Read the case study →